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Int4 Automated Migration Cockpit

Int4 Suite enables automated approach for SAP PI/PO to SAP CPI migration projects. By introducing a migration cockpit with an interface worklist and shortcuts to useful Int4 Suite features, it allows for managing the migration process and supporting it with automation.

Int4 Automated Migration Cockpit builds on top of Int4 Shield Lite features. To fully benefit from this tool it’s recommended to understand the basic concepts behind Automation Objects and Test Cases first.

Principles of operation

Int4 Automated Migration Cockpit uses the underlying features of Int4 Suite and organizes them into an accessible and easy to use migration cockpit. It provides a process to be followed for migration scoping, test case preparation, migration automation and monitoring and final testing.

Accessing the migration cockpit

Int4 Automated Migration Cockpit is available from Fiori launchpad.

Fiori tile for starting the migration cockpit

Important notes for Automated Migration

The migration is supported for certain SAP PI/PO ICO’s. For complex scenarios, for example those using BPM the process needs to be manually controlled.

Because of functional differences, automatic migration might not be possible for all of the ICO’s. Int4 Suite will still allow to test all of the scenarios using the APITester Cockpit

SAP CPI is a very flexible tool, and as such, it allows for building the same interface in multiple ways. It is thus possible to build CPI interfaces in a way that will make testing, including manual and automated testing, very difficult or even impossible. Please ensure that the development team observes the SAP CPI patterns and best practices, as documented in this SAP Blog: Comprehensive SAP CPI Guide for Standards & Best Practices

Migration Process Steps and detailed documentation

This manual assumes that before starting the migration Int4 Suite is installed and configured appropriately. Please ensure that Int4 Suite Technical Installation and Int4 Suite Configuration is completed.

Process step

Detailed documentation

Import PI/PO ICO’s

Import PI/PO ICO’s

Define migration scope

Define migration scope

Create test cases based on PI/PO

Create test cases based on PI/PO

Validate test cases using PI/PO

Validate test cases using PI/PO

Test configuration tuning

Test configuration tuning

Interface migration with Test Driven Development

Interface migration with Test Driven Development

Testing of migrated interfaces

Test Driven Development with Int4 Suite

Migration completion

Migration completion

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