Creating the configuration object for PO Unit Test
The PO Unit Test type requires a minimal level of parameters to start test automation.
Since Int4 IFTT 1.0 SP11 release 005 automation object creation is available in SAP PI/PO Wizard.
The below procedure describes the manual creation of the automation object for a new interface to be tested.
Step-by-step guide
- Analyze the integration flow to be tested and find processed messages that might be used as test case data.
- Check if staging/logging levels are enough.
- In this step, you need to check if your interface operates on XML or flat files or there are Adapter Modules that you also would like to test (both on the input and output side). If so, then the SAP standard MessageLoggerBean module should be added to the communication channel that will log the payload before or after processing those adapter modules. Currently, testing of flat content conversion is available only if Adapter Modules do it.
- Find a few valid messages processed by the interface. They must be correct both from the technical and functional points of view. The messages will be used to test your automation object and to create the first test cases. This step is also possible when Int4 IFTT Message Selector creates the automation object.
- Check if staging/logging levels are enough.
- Run /INT4/IFTT_CONF and create a new entry for the tested interface or use SAP PI/PO Wizard
- Specify:
- IFTT Object definition - a name of automation object that will be used later in test case creation. May contain your internal number of interfaces from the interface master list.
- Automation object description
- Service Interface Name - Sender Interface Name from Integrated Configuration (ICO) or Receiver Determination Object
- Service Interface Namespace- Sender Interface Namespace from Integrated Configuration (ICO) or Receiver Determination Object
- Default Interface Type- choose from list value: 20 (PI Unit Test). This setting would allow finding this particular object definition when two definitions will exist for the same tested interface (ex. one for end-to-end testing, second for PO Unit testing)
- Alternatively, activate Debug- this option will display additional messages and information during the execution of the first test cases. It would also allow adding exceptions for differences directly from results. Later it can be deactivated after confirming that the object works correctly.
- Create your first test case and validate the configuration. Please refer to the test case creation section and its subsections.
The above steps are mandatory, and in most cases, your interface is almost ready to be tested. However, there is also a set of additional settings required in particular business scenarios.
- Set the Additional Parameters to fetch the correct version of messages from SAP PO persistence. Please note that a single interface could have multiple receivers with different persistence settings. This situation may occur when there is an additional custom logging as an adapter module in the communication channel. In such a case, multiple parameters can be populated using the grouping field. (parameters Message version before processing and Message version after processing)
- Set the Additional Parameters for processing flat messages
- Set the Additional Parameters for canceling messages after processing to prevent sending out messages to actual receivers
- Set the Payload Validation Ignore list to add all the fields or nodes that may differ in the outputs but should not fail the test case. In Debug mode, the Ignore list exceptions might be added directly from the XML comparison result screen.
The same input messages will be injected into SAP PI/PO during the testing in most cases. Alternatively, using variables, variable processors, and number ranges, the input messages can be changed before processing.
If the original message has Quality of Service set to 'Exactly Once in Order,' PO Unit Test sends it with QoS 'Exactly Once.'