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Creating the configuration object for testing Adapter Modules


This procedure should be applied for flat-file/EDI scenarios and all other scenarios when the inbound or outbound adapter modules executed by the communication channel should be a part of testing.


  1. Complete the same steps both for sender or receiver communication channels of the tested interface. The only difference is that the MessageLoggerBean should be added as a first module in a chain in the sender channel (to store the message before processing). But, in the receiver channel, the module should be added as the last one (to compare results after channel processing).
  2. In the communication channel, add adapter module localejbs/AF_Modules/MessageLoggerBean of type: Local Enterprise Bean and Module key, for example, logger
    This module stores flat-file messages in PI persistence, and thanks to this, IFTT can process the initial version of the flat file message.
  3. In Module configuration tab add following entries
    1. module key: logger, parameter name: log.condition, parameter value: 1 (value 2 in case of sync interface)
    2. module key: logger, parameter name: log.location, parameter value: flat

      Example of message from PO monitor that stores flat-file payload:

  4. The log.location defines the name for the version. This name (in our example flat) needs to be put in automation object configuration in additional parameters: PIMSGVERBI (input message) or PIMSGVERSN (output message)
  5. For testing sender adapter modules (Test types: PI inbound or PI unit test), you must provide the sender channel name in additional parameters in section Testing sender channel's adapter modules.

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